There has been lately quite a few threads on balancing after a preemptive weak 2 or weak 3.
Check out:
Balancing enemy's preempt
Balancing over preempt-simulations
Here is a brief summary of common knowledge, followed by the real question of this post.
1- Balancing issues
The usual concept in the balancing seat is: as the bid is being passed out, pard is not broke, so I "borrow a K", that is, I will bid as if I were in direct seat assuming I am a K stronger.
The responder to the balancer will know that, and will treat his own hand as if it was a K lighter.
This concept works fairly well at the 1 level.
At the 2 or 3 level it is much more dangerous.
Why ?
The reason is that after an opening at the one level, passed out, responder MUST be pretty weak.
On the contrary, over a weak 2 (and even more a 3-level preempt), responder can be quite strong, and will pass a 15-16 hcp hand if it is in misfit.
Obviously, the balancer can use as an additional info to evaluate the safety of his action, the length in opps suit:
- if he is short in the preempt suit, chances are that responder to the preemptoor is NOT in misfit, there fore his pass is not the pass of a strong misfiting hand waiting to kill you if you step in.
- if balancer has 3+ cards in the suit, balancing can be quite dangerous: this time, the chances that RHO (preeptor's pard) is strong are more concrete; if he is not, our pard is short, and the fact he did not make a move despite shortness in the preempt suit, suggest he does not have a great holding.
2- Bidding over preempts issues
Mike Lawrence suggests the "rule of 7" to bid in DIRECT seat over a preemptive opening.
Basically it means "Bid what you can make, assuming pard has 7-8 normal hcp" (usually = about 9 losers hand).
So at the 3 level it means more or less having a 6 loser hand if unbalanced, or if balanced with stoppers, bid 3NT with 17/18+ hcp.
You can find a detailed article on this theory at the following link:
Mike Lawrence: Bidding over preempts
End of summary
Now assume the given premises:
1- rule of 7: over a preempt bid in direct seat assuming pard has 7 hcp
2- bid in balancing seat assuming your hand has a K more
and the inevitable result is:
3- RULE OF TEN: BID IN BALANCING SEAT ASSUMING PARD HAS TEN HCP (the usual 7 + the 3 hcp "borrowed" for balancing).This is quite dangerous, since, for example, one of the consequences is:
- over a 3 level preempt, bid 3NT with a 14/15 balanced hand (the usual 17/18 of direct seat + 3 hcp "borrowed" from balancer).
This reflects on other bids too.
I think I have read somewhere (probably in a Marshall Miles' book) that over a preempt, the balancer should bid almost the same as in direct seat, borrowing 1hcp, not 3 hcp.
I would like to hear comments from the posters.
Thanks !!