jwchiu, on Aug 13 2004, 09:30 AM, said:
This was quickly doubled by West on his way out, and despite strong trumps and diamonds, heart taps meant that I ended up two down for -300, and only a single matchpoint of thirty-eight (note: for those who don't play matchpoint games with scoring across the field, achieving fewer than one-sixth or more than five-sixths of the matchpoints generally implies somebody did something unusual).
Perhaps the mistake on your auction is the 3♣ bid or the 4♣ bid. Instead of 3♣, you might try 3♠, instead of 4♣, you might try 4♠. I think there is an even chace that north will carry 3♠ to four and also a possiblility that north will let you play in 3♠, gettig you to the higher matchpoint spot. With teh norrht hand I would certainly pass a 4♠ rebid over my attempt to play 3NT.
Hi Jason...
I am not sure what this repeated Heart tap means. In 5
♣ on a heart lead, you have 11 tricks... 2
♦, 1
♠, 3
♠ ruffs and five red card ruffs in your hand (that is 11.. be sure to cash winners early). It takes a trump lead to beat you, Now you win 1
♠, 2
♦. 2
♠ ruffs, and five clubs in your hand for down only one.
I suspect minus one doubled in five clubs will not be too much better than down two, as you can make 4
♠ losing just 3
♠s. Assume start the heart, your ruff.. Spade ACE, club to the ace, duck a spade. Ruff a heart (you are now down to two hearts with two hearts out.. .. simply play on clubs, let then make their spades separately. So in spades you could be +170 to +420.
Eric's solution of bidding 2
♠ on this kind of hand would have worked well here, beating pass (where maybe you might get +150), and michaels, where at most you get +150 or with bad defense +400 or +550).